Hey, hi. I'm Andi.

And I'm stoked you're here.

The Clif's Notes?

I'm a photographer, comedian, entrepreneur, dabbler in things, currently stirring up trouble in San Diego. I run a few businesses and do a few things, and this site is a catch all for whatever is leftover from my other endeavors' sites.

I'm currently selling shirts to help fundraise for a surgery, you can read more on that below.

Shop My Shirts

So What's The Deal With The Shirts?

TLDR; my health needs caring for and that ain't free in the US, so I'm selling shirts to pay for surgery.

The nitty gritty of it? I have to have surgery in 2025 to remove large ovarian cysts as well as my tubes. I have a high risk of ovarian cancer and/or cancer related to baby-making parts, and this surgery greatly reduces my risk. It's also necessary, after suffering sometimes crippling pain for 3 years now.

On top of all that, I lost everything this year, after being hit by a truck on the freeway, then developing MCAS due to mold in my apartment. Am I cursed? Maybe. I had to throw out everything I owned, clothing, furniture, etc. and move away from the city I loved. I've been slowly trying to rebuild my life, but my health is not what it was.

Despite having insurance, this surgery that I need won't be *free*, and I'm barely even beginning to recover from this devastating year, so I'm trying to raise money to be able to afford basic healthcare stuff. Ya know, life in the great ol' US of A kinda stuff. Livin' the dream.

I made some apparel for other godless, childless folks like myself, and if you relate, I hope you enjoy!

Interested In My Art?

I have some prints of some of my favorite photos I've taken over the years available, as well.